Travel journal

Hi there, are you enjoy your holiday season? in my case, I am trying to do all  the house keep working as I can because in more than 3 weeks I have to move from my flat to another so that these days I think about change, process, opportunities and some blue memories and also how much one person can change in a short period of time and who illustrators or people, in general, could realize or process those things if we do a travel journal.

As a documentary travel journal could help many people to get to know themselves, how? well, you can draw one topic: your family, alter ego (aka your best friend), hobbies etc, those issues would help you in order to discover your likes and dislikes. And on last 10 sheets choose one theme and then draw, the results are mindblowing.

I did one for one class during the past semester and my top discovery was:  I´m a colorful person, in fact, I have a bright and sorrow aura, this surprised me because I don't consider my self as a color person but thanks to my travel journal I detect there(in my books, mangas, watercolors, markers etc) so much bright colors.

So when you are going start with your travel journal?


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