Meowtober update
Hi there, the year is almost ending, I mean only one month left, OMG feels like the week before was January right?, anyway this time I will show you my meowtober because I was delighted about it, honestly the past inkobert was kind of hell and heaven for me but this one was my illustrations paradise despite the fact that my prompt list would be more less hard, in fact, some days were a nightmare.
I discovered that I actually can draw any abstract concepts if I choose simple figures and characters, the simpler scene could communicate more ideas and beyond. As you can see here I selected some pieces in which the rule of only using three colors included my based color was followed the first days' everything was fine and nice but day by day the concepts kill me because of more colors needed to use but I really wanted to attempt this challenge so I was cheated a little moving the saturation not only on the grayscale but select a huge range of saturation in the scale.
So here are my results, What do you think? the complete list is in my Instagram if you want to look at it.
Check the entire list:
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