Six Fan art from Saint Seiya

Hi there I hope everyone is doing well with this lockdown in your respective country because here in Mexico is a little mess with, anyway time passes so fast, isn´t it?  I mean all of us needs distractions and rediscovering old likes or dislikes so that I drew with no purpose at the beginning of quarantine but suddenly I had this kind of necessity for watch anime again as I wrote before on the last post, and then my next obsession Saint Seiya and all the universe that Kurumada and other Magakas made with this franchise, as a result, I make my first six fan art challenge with the saint protagonists.

Fun fact I have watched for more than 1 month only the universe of saint seiya but only in the animated form so that means I need move to the print universe haha, in fact right now I´m reading Saintia Shou and Next dimension at the same time.


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